Sunday, November 23, 2008


Here's the thing about blogs. I think they're cool, but I can never keep one up, the reason being that I am into everything all the time and it's hard for me to focus on one topic. Also I figure any random person finds about 5% of interesting material in anything I say, so if I make 20 blog posts about different things then 100% of it will be interesting and fulifilling. COUNT IT.

This blog is completely true. Any and all events represented are completely true unless I say they're not true, and usually in that case I'm lying.

(this is a true story)

Today I got to ride around in a Hummer my dad borrowed while his car was being worked on. Riding inside a Hummer is a lot like riding inside a regular car except exactly the same.

Also we had lobsters. In general it has been a very upper-middle class kind of day.

brb adjusting monocle