Tuesday, July 21, 2009

5 Things That Make Me Happy

What's shakin', readers?

It has become increasingly apparent that I am projecting, as of late, a dark, shadowy aura of malice and terror, turning all who enter it into quivering masses of blighted flesh.

Yes, it's true, I've become naught more than a husk of a man, all joy and love drained into a swirling void of nothingness from whence there is no return. There have been exactly four days this summer in which I have not worked, three of which were consecutive and one of which was a national holiday on which we were physically closed.

But that's all I'm gonna say about that. Contrary to what I may project there are a few scant things which bring the cold, wet memory of happiness drifting up to the tepid surface of my memory.

Here they are:

5.) Chocolate

I have some form of chocolate damn near every day. I don't have much to say about chocolate other than it is delicious and that it prompts a physical sensation that is nearly unmatched.

4.) Video Games

I don't know why I didn't bring my new (used) X-Box with me when I came home this summer. Perhaps it was a symbolic gesture, a hope I would not need it. How wrong I was. Going and getting it was a pinch-hit victory against the darkness. I played through Prototype, which was insanely cathartic, and am now engaged in Mirror's Edge, which is breathtaking but occasionally unreasonably frustrating. On the whole, though, I find the VGs a good way to pass time and have fun without having to, you know, engage in any social interaction.

3.) Drawing

As I've mentioned before, I draw a humble little manga called Sterile in my spare time (usually between 1-4AM). This is something I enjoy because I get to spend a few hours being creative in an entirely useless context. That is, I'm never gonna get famous for my art, and I have no real desire to. I just do it for kicks.

2.) Hedgehogs

GodDAMN it these things are freaking adorable.


Here's some mood music.

Let's talk about how much I love Lambo.





There is nothing on this planet that makes me happier than Lambo.

I mean, look at that. Look how goddamn awesome he is. I don't even know how to describe my transcendant joy.

Lambo is a 5 year old mafia hitman from the Bovino family. His favorite things are grapes, candy, and grenades. He is an idiot cow who is an asshole and his shenanigans are by far the best thing I have in my life right now.

I don't know what else I can say. Here's some more Lambo for you, hopefully he will brighten your day and put a smile on your face.

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