Monday, October 26, 2009

TMCoSE 2: The Revengening

It has recently (today) been pointed out to me by several (one) people that I haven't blogged in quite the while. I do not debate this; in fact, I readily concede it.

Part of my debilitating (for all of you) absence was forced by my computer kicking the proverbial bucket (later I threw it at a bucket so also literally). It was roughly a month before the glittering behemoth I am writing this from arrived, and I will say little about it but that the keyboard is backlit in a color scheme that changes from orange to purple, a veritable sunset at my fingertips.

There are several blog entries I've been sitting on. I tend to go through phases when I blog, which fairly regularly revolve between "people are very entertained by everything I write and are super interested in me" and "talking about myself is way too self-centered no one cares about things I think or feel what am I 13" and I am currently somewhat in the latter category.

But I do not think it would hurt, at this juncture, to describe to you the physical circumstances I am currently in. Let us take a journey through the last couple of months!

-School is in full swing, which means that instead of working every single day and being angry and short with people I am hermetically sealed in my apartment, emerging once every century to feast on the village virgins.

Actually mostly I watch TV and play Left 4 Dead with a ragtag but committed threesome of internet buddies. We are currently attempting to negotiate a migration to Borderlands, but we are impeded by factors that aren't interesting enough to go into here.

Also I go to school, but after my amazing first semester last year any time I don't make meaningful friendships without trying in my classes I'm kind of let down. Both my classes are lecture style, one of which I hate severely to the point of not wanting to go because most of the kids in it are tools. All this is in the way of saying that I pretty much don't talk to anyone, which is business as usual, although I tend to catch two of the four people with whom I consider myself on friendly terms coming out of my first class.

-I'm actually only going to school three days a week now, the other two being Internship days. I work at Connecticut Public Television, writing press releases and newsletters and things of that sort. Everyone that works there is unreasonably friendly and good-natured, and I am enjoying it immensely. I'm kind of liking the whole public relations thing, and may pursue it in another internship next semester.

There's kind of an assumption, a perfectly natural one, that I would be unsuited to office life. Actually, I love it. I love dressing classy, I love wearing a tie (I only have one tie but it is an awesome tie), I love having a cubicle because it's my own little space, and just everything about it. I am perfectly willing to believe that the novelty may one day wear off but for now I am enjoying it greatly.

-I've been writing a sort of webnovelly thing. My goal is basically to build a weekly or bi-weekly readership that would inspire me to actually write more, because I tend to do way more work when I know that it's going to actually be seen by someone imminently. I have thus far written it almost exclusively after 1 AM and posted it without much revision so I wouldn't sit on it and lose my tempo, which has resulted in some hilariously terrible errors I have to fix, which I recently found out on a daylight read-through, which has prompted me to do at least a little editing.

It's at if you'd like to take a look. My computer dying really screwed my momentum, and I've been slow in writing the next chapter but hopefully it will pick up.

-Oh also I bought a bass guitar, which I named Ravenclaw because it is blue. It's used and I don't have an amp or anything because music, like anything artistic that isn't writing, is something I enjoy but don't consider myself particularly good at. However, I love bass a whole damn lot and I enjoy having one.

So there you have it, literally everything that's going on with me. It is, perhaps, sad that I have so little going on, but between school, having to go home for work every weekend, and the fact that I like killing zombies and don't like starting conversations it's all I got, and I think I could be doing a lot worse.

Oh also RIP Geocities, you went from cutting edge of webpage design to a benchmark for what was not okay but I had a dozen terrible sites on you that I look back on fondly as a reminder of the innocence I lost when I found out everything was terrible, you were too good for this world.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so much joy was brought to me reading this, thank you