Friday, May 8, 2009

Detrimental Demographics Delve Deeper Diagnally

It's 10:30 Friday night and I am at my apartment.

This is, as we have tirelessly established, a unique and entirely uncommon feat, though it has occured twice in the same year (unthinkable!).

The reason, of course, is that I have a final at 10:30 tomorrow morning. It is actually only my second actual exam, my third final.

My first was yesterday, and was a mexican food party. So awesome. I made mexican cheese cookies, which ended up being biscuits because I had to improvise a little on the recipe and goddamn if I'm going to be told how to make a food I've never made before. I'm pretty sure they went over well, I didn't eat anything because two days of eating raw cookie batter took its toll and I've been eating largely out of habit, though today my appetite seems to be returning.

So here I am on a Friday night in my apartment. It's pretty alright. I should have cleaned because it looks terrible and I'm leaving tomorrow, I'll probably come back next week and tidy up. This is clearly something you are all interested in.

So summer starts tomorrow. I for one could not be any more excited unless I was excited at all, which I don't happen to be. Once you have your own place, it really is kind of a pain to stay at home even if the only other person that lives there is always working and you like them a whole lot. It's home but it's not your place, y'know? It's different, and I'm bummed that I have to leave for 3 1/2 months.

Summer prospects look dim. I didn't get any summer internships which isn't entirely surprising, thuogh I damn well woulda liked that Marvel one. Summer is usually at least a little fun because my BFFs come back from school, but in a month one's moving to California, one's moving to New York, and the other will be spending most of his time in Boston. So I'm probably going to be spending a lot of the summer alonez D:

With that in mind, UCONN people, I am all for hangingz this summer. Some of you have my number, clearly I use Facebook and AIM more than is healthy so feel free to hit me up there.

Man I started this post an hour and a half ago. I had a lot more to say but I will save that for another day because this entry is bawwy enough already and I should finish studying.

Okay quick think of a clever ending





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