Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More Like Blahg

Dear readers, it has been a full five days since my last blog. I know you may have gotten use to my rapid-fire pace of updating near the end of school, and in the absence of daily gems of wisdom I would not be surprised to find that your life had become a bleak, joyless wasteland, all greenery fading to gray ash as you struggle to find the urge to breathe, the dry dead air filling your lungs, although you derive no pleasure from this act. You stumble across the cracked, lifeless ground as you search for any small shimmer of hope, finding nothing.

And for that, I am sorry.

Here's some things:

I am still in the pincer-like grip of apathy, readers. It has permeated nearly every aspect of my life. I usually want to eat everything all the time, but lately eating has become mostly optional - I have to wonder at times if my body no longer desires sustenance, if the complete and penetrating despair that comes with summer has robbed it of the need to exert any effort to keep itself going. I still do gorge occasionally, I tend to get very hungry at night when I'm close to getting or have gotten out of work.

On a related note, I just finished a Mrs. Fields fudge cookie and it was fantastic.


The other night my buddy Eric had a graduation party. I got to see some of my Bostonian friends which was awesome, plus Eric's family who I adore and who very much adore me. In general it was a day of adoration.

It was especially nice because Eric has been my BFF since 1st grade but since college I have seen him by far the least of any of my friends. After the party we were chatting and ended up staying up talking for like two and a half hours after when he was going to go to bed and I was going to leave. It was awesome because we haven't had a chance to catch up one-on-one for forever.

It was unspeakably pleasant to talk to someone who inherently understands me. It's a sickeningly cliche thing to say so let me expand: I am a person who takes a lot of explaining to "get." I don't think I'm that complicated in theory but the vast majority of people completely misunderstand what I'm like.

So talking to someone who's known me since I was 7 is nice. I don't have to explain my bizarre reactions to social situations or what I think about things. We talked about comics and drawing and how terribly barren our love lives are and different kind of foods we like to eat. I don't have to try and justify or quantify things because he gets it immediately; it may not sound like much but it's not something I get a lot of and it was the first genuinely great experience of my summer.

It lifted my spirits completely, if only for a few hours.


I am listening to Beirut. He is a wonderful artist who plays delightful music that is pretty unique among all the dejected and contemplative indie I've been indulging in lately.

I would like some new music though, I am getting tired of the shuffle and would like to inject some new life into my iPod.



My car and computer are falling apart at the seams.

In the case of my computer this is quite literal. My monitor is splitting up the side because the heat from the vent unter the left hinge is destroying it, which is a defect in my particular model of computer I read about a long time ago and laughed to myself because it would never happen to me.

I cannot seem to go more than 40 minutes on any given day without computer or car problems. Both these types of things hate me.


Generally I don't like to post my art here but here is something I drew as a gift art for a friend of mine of his badass wizard. I tend not to like tablet-only drawings but this came out rather nice which is good because I wanted to make sure it was awesome for him:


This is best enjoyed alongside a tall, cool glass of knowing about Team Fortress 2 but should be hilarious either way:


And finally, a game that made me laugh more than I have in months.

The psychology of this game is absolutely brilliant. I really want to discuss it but I don't want to color your expectations so go play it.


Value, my friends, is the theme of this entry. If you've read all the way through then you've gotten more entertainment than most people get in one week. Alternatively, perhaps you have read a new section every day and it is like I've posted many entries for you!

Clearly I am a blogging god among men.

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