Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Change Of Mace

I'm really into puns this week.

Anyway, I got my book proposal back today. It was actually ridiculously hard to write, because it's hard to decide what the selling points of a story are and get that across.

He warned us we'd all do bad, which is nice because it prepared me for how he (nicely, granted) tore my story apart, which I'm fine with because my proposal was super shaky at best. He said there may be a good idea in there but I need the thing that'll make it pop and be different.

The more I think about it, the more I'm not sure this is the book I should write. I don't think I'm suited to science fiction, really. Which I've said before, but for some reason people respond really well to the Runners chapters I've written.

So now I'm at kind of an impasse. Personally, I think my funny/weird writing (this shtuff) is much better because it has a lot more personality in it. I dunno if it's funny to people who aren't me or people who think like me, though. I feel like I want to switch my proposal to that ,hopefully I can do this before the one-on-one conferences next week because I really don't wanna have to talk about what a mess the outline I have now is.

I dunno why I didn't just stick with my instincts and go with that to begin with. Doing all this career shit just stresses me out. This isn't some random internet guy, this is a real writer and publisher.

I'm totally afraid of suceeding. How goddamn trite. I should have way more interesting issues than that.

Well, I am afraid of telephones. I guess that counts.

Not like all the time. But ringing phones freak me out. Sometimes to ridiculous degrees.

Unless it's from someone I want to hear from. Then ringing phones make me excited.

But that doesn't happen often.

Call me :(

Seriously though don't call me I'll roll up in a ball and eat cookies until the ringing stops.

Except actually I have a really cool ringtone now.

Actually voicemails are the worst. Those terrify me.

...Anyway I should probably pop out.

1 comment:

MeggyB said...

I hate voicemails ):