Saturday, February 21, 2009

Exciting times, my friends. Exciting times.

So, I'm in Simsbury at the moment, and there is a bit of a stir!

You see, a couple houses up the road from me, a man was apparently busted by a SWAT team who entered his home and found $600,000 worth of Marijuana, 400 plants between the greenhouse, basement and garage. This man had been stealing elecricity by bypassing his meter for something like five years, because he was using huge amounts of power for his lamps. He is 49 years old and being held on $75,000 bail.

This all went down Thursday night around midnight.

My neighborhood is full of nice-lookin' families full of pleasant people, guess you never know who's operating a pot ring on the block.

Although it sure explains all the weird cars that used to idle and circle the culdesack near my house.

Also! This week I have a good chum staying with me. Fun times and revelry seem likely to very likely. Mostly he'll play World of Warcraft and I'll play Star Ocean then we'll both play Smash Brothers. Considering the high (low) volume of human contact I maintain during the average week (I've been trying to up it but I'm a lazy man who's bad at being proactive!) it should fun times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh snap. a few years ago a similar thing happened in collinsville up the block from me