Friday, February 20, 2009

We 'bout to do it up LJ style

I looked back at my old Livejournal a couple weeks ago looking for some stuff I'd written. Especially near the end of when I was actually updating it, all I seemed to do was post these little memes.

So, in honor of nostalgia and putting off the things I have to do today, here you go:

- Available: Insanely
- Age: 21
- Annoyance: CELERY
- Allergic: nothing, I am biologically perfect
- Animal: penguinz
- Actor: Cillian Murphy/Rachel Mcadams

- Beer: mostly gross but sometimes I like to drink it symbolically
- Birthday/Birthplace: Like all Greeks I burst fully formed from my father's thigh at the beginning of time
- Best Friends: MY DREAMS
- Body Part on opposite sex: hair/eyes/face
- Best feeling in the world: the end of an episode of Lost
- Blind or Deaf: couldn't choose
- Best weather: gray skies so I can actually see, slightly chilly so I can wear a hoodie if I want
- Been in Love: nope
- Been bitched out?: Hell no, everyone worships me too much
- Been on stage?: Yes
- Believe in yourself?: Yes
- Believe in life on other planets: There's a billion of them out there one has to have some space prawns on it at least
- Believe in miracles: The end of an episode of Lost
- Believe in Magic: maybe
- Believe in God: maybe
- Believe in Satan: maybe
- Believe in Santa: maybe
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: maybe
- Believe in Evolution: as a concept yes, as creation maybe

- Car: Hovercar
- Candy: Twix PB, Reverse Reese's
- Colour: what is this canada go to hell
- Cried in school: Not since 2nd grade!
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate, no contest
- Chinese/Mexican: Mexican because chinese gave me FOOD POISONING a couple days ago
- Cake or pie: Pie
- Countries to visit: England, Japan, Greece again

- Day or Night: Twilight
- Dream vehicle: Hovercar
- Danced: I never don't dance, if it looks like I'm not I'm just dancing a little
- Dance in the rain?: ^
- Dance in the middle of the street?: ^^
- Do the splits?: The splits? Speak ENGLISH

also no

- Eggs:
- Eyes: Blue!
- Everyone has: to agree that Phil is great
- Ever failed a class?: Almost. Very very almost. Oops!

- First crush: I had a girlfriend in preschool, I was an extremely early bloomer
- Full name: My full name takes four days to say, a decade of practice to pronounce correctly, and if said in it's entirety will summon all the hordes of heaven and hell to your beck and call
- First thoughts waking up: I HAVE THE POWERRRRRRRRR
- Food: oh god don't talk to me about food right now

- Greatest Fear: Somehow becoming less great
- Goals: To continue to be this great
- Gum: Raspberry!
- Get along with your parents?: One yes, other unfortunately no
- Good luck charms: I AM THE CHARM

- Hair Colour: Dark brown
- Height: 6'1"
- Happy: I experience all emotions at once all the time
- Holidays: Don't get many :(
- How do you want to die: I wish to be impaled on the sword of my greatest enemy as I, in turn, deal his final blow. Blood- and rain-soaked, we will slowly look up at each other. Lightning will flash, and in that brief second we will smile at each other.
- Health freak?: Sometimez

(In guys/girls)
- Eye colour: Shape>color but green and blue are nice
- Hair Colour: Depends entirely on the cut and skin tone (wtf how gay)
- Height: Not too short
- Clothing Style: At this point anyone who's not wearing fuzzy boots or a north face fleece coat is alright. If someone has an actual style that compliments them it's probably great.
- Characteristics: awesomeness
- Instrument: Any girl who can't play a harp shouldn't even talk to me

- Jewelry: Totally doesn't work on me but I wear it anyway, but only 1 item at a time
- Job: World-famous write star

- Kids: Are awesome and love me, probably because we're the same amount into Power Rangers
- Kickboxing or karate: 13 years of Karate, hell yeah
- Keep a journal?: I'm writing a BLOG RIGHT NOW

- Longest Car Ride: I once drove a timecar 4,000 years into the past
- Love: Any food that's not celery
- Letter: Letters are neat
- Laughed so hard you cried: I don't remember, probably Office-related
- Love at first sight: Love at first BITE

- Milk flavour: CH-CH-CH-CHOCOLATE
- Movie: Labyrinth/The Breakfast Club
- Mooned anyone?: dear god no
- Marriage: I'm gonna marry a cougar for 5-10 years then take the money from the divorce once I get too old for her and go find someone to lovemarry
- Motion sickness?: Nah
- McD's or BK: Generally BK but McD for breakfast (MCGRIDDLES) and sometimes I just liek to go there because it's classic

- Number of Siblings: 1/2
- Number of Piercings: My dad's policy is to cut off anything I pierce
- Number: 4,567 - current amount of enemies felled

- Overused Phrases: I have so many I can't even list them
- One wish: For something really awesome to happen
- One phobia: Car crashessss

- Place you'd like to live: The Philium, an impossibly large mansion that stands on four lesser mansions so it never has to touch the ground
- Pepsi/Coke: C-C-C-C-COKE

- Quail: I like their eggs
- Questionnaires: I fucking hate these things, if I ever fill one out I hope I die

- Reason to cry: Ending of Last Samurai
- Reality T.V.: SOBER HOUSE
- Radio Station: Chill on Sirius
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: I just tried to do like 4 different versions of this and I have no idea what it means

- Song: Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley
- Shoe size: 13 or 14
- Skipped school: Only in collegez
- Slept outside: Couple times
- Seen a dead body?: Mhmm D:
- Smoked?: Nevar
- Skinny dipped?: Nevar
- Shower daily?: I refuse to go out if I've not showered
- Sing well?: A chorus of a thousand angels would weep to hear but one note emerge from my immaculate vocal chords
- In the shower?: Yes
- Swear?: Wouldn't it be funny if I answered this with something like "fuck no"
- Stuffed Animals?: I have exactly 2
- Single/Group dates: Well if I'm dating someone I assume I'm spending time with them singly anyway so group
- Strawberries/Blueberries: I'm iffy on both, they have to be REALLY GOOD
- Scientists need to invent: a cure for all diseases

- Time for bed: 2-5
- Thunderstorms: Saucesome
- Touch your tongue to your nose?: Yes!

- Unpredictable: Not horribly
- Under the influence?: Nah
- Understanding?: I understand all things

- Vegetable you love: Mushrooms!
- Vacation spot: Mars

- Weakness: N/A
- When you grow up: I am ageless
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: No one (else) is perfect
- Who makes you laugh the most: The cast of the Office
- Worst feeling: -food poisoning-
- Wanted to be a model?: Yeah, I think it'd be neat but I wouldn't wanna do it for a career
- Where do we go when we die: I haven't died and I don't know anyone who has so I really couldn't say!
- Worst weather: Humid heat, GROSS
- Walk with a book on your head?: Never tried!

- X-Rays: A few

-Year it is now: I exist in a constantly warping time-stream, here it is every time and no time

jk it's 2009
-Yellow: Is cool

- Zoo animal: PENGUINS
- Zodiac sign: Aries!

Good times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i had my first crush pre pre-school. i was an incredibly early bloomer