Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More Like Girthday (Because I Ate a Lot)

22 years ago today...
...Ares molded a body from his strongest Spartan clay, majestic even among the gods...
...Apollo crafted a hitherto unforseen wit, a artistic depth of soul that made even him weep...
...Aphrodite wove, by hand, tender locks of hair, silky swirls that outshone the sun...

...So anyway today is my birthday, and also Greek Independance Day. To tell the lengthy tale of my epic celebration would be, frankly, entirely possible, and easily done with bullet points:

-Went to class! This was mandatory :(
-Got a delicious frappucino from Starbucks (a venti, not light, because goddamnit I'm being independantly a year older)
-Wrote my first-ever resume, to send to summer internships
-Caught up with an old friend (we are starting a webcomic...fingers crossed)
-Recieved many kind Facebook hello's and texts, as well as one call
-Fixed the second of two Star Ocean 4 discs to have been eaten by my Xbox, then played Star Ocean 4
-Wanted to order a calzone, but could not decide between two, but it was indebirthdence day so I ordered both
-Watched a new LOST, ate both (it's like: what a fattie), may have chipped a tooth, found the chip but not where it came from
-Watched a South Park and Demetri Martin, clearly I chose a great TV night to be born on
-Wrote a blog entry

I realize that I party far harder than any human being should, but I celebrate to the maxxxtreme.

Actually today was a really awesome day. Last week totally sucked, so I didn't have much in the way of hope but despite having a quiet nonchalant day it was really really nice. Thanks, universe. Surely you will continue your assault on me tomorrow.

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