Monday, April 27, 2009

Dear readers, have I been blogging too much lately?

The answer, of course, is no.

Today is a goddamn beautiful day. Now normally my ideal weather is gray, a little cold, and possibly wet, because the sun hurts my eyes, my body does not deal well with heat and I think colors look better during and after rain.

But some days even I have to admit the sun is pretty fantastic.

I went to Quiznos today and had a black angus steak sandwich. It changed my life. Today's gonna have to step it the hell up if it wants to top that.

I have a shirt I recently got from Questionable Content that says Cogito Ergo Nom.

Cogito Ergo Om means I think, therefore I am.

Cogito Ergo Nom = I think, therefore I nom.

It's an awesome shirt, but I have realized I will have to explain this to every person I ever see for the rest of time. It looks really good on me though, so I'm going to take one for the team.

The team being irony I guess.

I'm feeling really postmodern this week.

In a related story, I'm feeling really pretentious too.

See I could have made this into like six blog posts, THEN what? I'm saving you time, people. Saving. You. Time.

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