Sunday, April 26, 2009

DID YOU KNOW: The cigarette lighter was invented BEFORE matches?

Ho-lee-crap is it ever warm in my apartment. I feel like someone put me in a sauna and instead of pouring water on the stones they poured raw magma, and it splashed on me but cooled a little bit so instead of searing through my body it just made me feel slightly uncomfortably warm. I could and should have turned the wall fan on hours ago but I haven't and I don't have the slightest idea why. I'm still not going to do it. Maybe tomorrow.

I am in a thousand times better a mood than I have been since...well last Sunday really.

I didn't get to sleep until 5 or so this morning. Like I said, I have this terribe gripping fear of break-ins, the kind of fear that makes me not think about logic or the fact that I have a third degree blackbelt but instead gives me panic attacks.

If it came down to it, I know I would be fine. But in the moment that all goes out the window, which you can tell from my insane post that makes it sound like they went around murdering people instead of opening doors and getting scared away. Today? I'm fine. Last night, not so much.

In any case, after a crappy week and a crappy weekend (actually I got Chilis which is always cathartic and saw Hamlet 2 which is a very strange but very enjoyable movie) I am the perfect picture of good spirits. You could say this is partly due to the fact that other than a potential break-in situation nothing that happened to me was actually that bad compared to real problems and you'd be right probably.

Today I was like "my last two blog posts have been depressing and stupid and paint a terrible picture of me" so I thought I'd make a happy blog post but usually they're "about" something and the thing I have planned that I'd like to say is being saved for a time when I'm not sweating profusely so instead I'm freewriting this blog, which gets you things like this long run-on paragraph where I'm not letting myself think about anything beforehand and it kind of feels like I'm slowly slipping into insanity but really I'm just stalling going to bed because it's only 1AM and it's super early also I'm cheating because I'm typing fast and correcting typos but I'll be damned if I'm going to have this post look like a shaggy dog just come in from the rain but as a rule I'm not letting myself think ahead even when I stop for a half second to cough or go back and make the word aagfo into a real word.

That was fun, wasn't it readers? Sometimes you just need a good word vomit, and since I haven't been getting a chance to do it out loud much lately I suppose I'm doing it here. I'm in the kind of mood where I feel like I have a thousand things to say but no context in which to say them, except for here but I like my blog to maintain some sort of ill-formed integrity, which is a roundabout way of saying that I have a good sense of what people do and do not want to hear about, and I allow myself a relatively small (I should hope) quota of the latter category and I more than went past it this weekend.

Here's some things.

This is NSFW. It's blurry but there's a penis in this video, to tell you in what context would ruin it. This is a movie made in Turkey, in which Captain America and the famous masked wrestler El Santo (who was actually a real person but played by an actor) team up to fight Spiderman, who is a powerless mass murder.

I'm not kidding. He does some pretty horrible things (the guinea pigs are poisoned, this may not make sense now but it will in context).

I don't think I need to tell you it wasn't licensed.

Here's some Kotaku links. I like linking Kotaku to people because the story names are in the URLs and people are way more likely to click on something with a hilarious title.

This is among the funniest images I have ever seen. Go to if you're into things and you don't mind occasionally feeling terrible for laughing at things that are secretly hilarious.

I've grown a possibly unhealthy obsession with avocados. I think avocados are okay but they don't taste good enough to warrant the frequency with which I am now consuming them. I can't stop. I think this may be a problem. Tomorrow I am going grocery shopping and I'm getting five because last week I ran out in three days and I spent the rest of the week wishing I'd been more prepared.

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