Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mythical Tales of This Week

So I had to do a ton of work this week, writing an essay and preparing an oral presentation and applying for internships. This might not sound like a ton of work, but prepared to what I do usually it's actually pretty extreme.

And now, because the #1 people are interested in are the mundane adventures of other people, here are highlights from my week.

-Applied for a couple of internships, most notably the editorial department of Marvel Comics. My resume isn't terribly impressive but I think I made a pretty good sell for myself given my experiences. I recieved an automated response, which includes the high volume of requests they recieve and how I would probably not be contacted at all unless I was chosen.

Well, I wake up today and lo and behold, there's an inbox message from Marvel. I was actually ridiculously nervous because I could make a great case for it being pretty much anything. The mail was from Marvel's Human Resources, letting me know personally they were looking at my resume and would let me know if they wanted to set up an interview.

That's pretty damn neat. I mean, just knowing they're going to be looking at it is awesome. Fuckin' Marvel Comics, man. How amazing would it be to work there. Here's hoping.

-Wrote an essay on marketing books. I couldn't make this story interesting if I tried, except that I TOTALLY forgot it was due Tuesday. My bad.

-Prepared an oral presentation about Vertigo comics, also for publishing class.

This may come as a COMPLETE SURPRISE because normally I am completely comfortable and vibrant in social situations, but I am...unskilled at public speaking.

I'll uh. I'll let you absorb that for a minute. Wrap your head around it.

So this is something I know very well, and thus I rehearsed my presentation constantly for a couple of days. I had everything worked out, I could get through the whole thing without any visual aid (I can't do the notecard thing really, it just distracts me) and I had all my talking points down. I was confident.

Our teacher used a random number generator to determine who would go when, but I knew I'd be going today.

My name is called. I step up. I give a slight nod, as if to acknowledge to the universe that I'm ready to tear this shit up.

Anyway about ten seconds in I realize my leg is shaking uncontrollably and I'm skipping over points. I made a nice save midway through by throwing in a joke about the comic Faker, which I hadn't really planned to do, everyone laughed and it eased my nerves. But in general, the whole thing went about as well as any public speaking attempt for me does.

And, for whatever reason, afterward and for pretty much the rest of the day I felt like CRAP. My stomach was a mess, even though on the whole I was happy with how my presentation went in retrospect.

-Still in a dead tired and slightly ill stupor, I wandered into the realm of South and saw part of The Last Unicorn. I have a great deal to say not only about that but about that entire era and style of animated movies, but that can be saved for another time.

-Oh also I got a haircut on Wednesday which was nice. I have started getting special haircuts and they are working out very nicely. Since this blog's inception I have been planning on making a post about my hair because I still get asked all sorts of questions about it (a phenomenon I totaly play into for fun but will probably never truly understand) . Perhaps demystifying it would be detrimental. I do kind of like that it occupies this profound place in peoples' imagination, and the truth is actually pretty mundane. What say ye, readers? Hair post or not hair post?

The fact that I should even be entertaining thoughts about this seems extremely...minty to me.

In general, I feel like this week was way too short. It should not be Thursday night yet. I feel like I didn't accomplish anything non-school related, I definitely did not sleep enough, and I am starting to freak out more and more about the semester ending because (and if you look back you will see that I have mentioned this before) I ALWAYS have the most fun in the last month or so of school.

Anyway right now I am listening to Sigur Ros and realizing that I have forgotten a few more schooly things and also I am writing a blog entry that's far longer than the subject matter allows but really I don't have much going on right now because I've been introspecting much more than extrospecting lately.

P.S. here's a tip, when you're cooking plantains in a pan it looks like they burn really fast but actually that's just black deliciousness accumulating so don't be afraid to leave them on there a little more, this is what I learned this week.


johndiener said...

apologies about my insanity last night. it is essential to slip into madness once in awhile to confirm sanity. i'll explain it later, i guess.

p.s. i love your long blogs

p.s.s. when i read your blogs i talk to myself

PHIL! said...

Sanity is dumb, sane people just aren't thinking hard enough. S'all good man.

Also, I totally approve of self-talking. My biggest wish is for my blog to inspire conversation, even if only one person is involved. I feel vindicated.