Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Joke I Heard Today

Courtesy of Lambros, one of the funniest men I have ever met (in a uniquely Greek way, which makes him even cooler). This is, of course, translated, but happens to work perfectly regardless of language so here we go.

A man walks into a bar. On the counter, he sees a small bin with money in it.

So he asks the bartender what's up, and he says that they're running a contest. Whoever can complete three tasks gets everything in there.

Well, being the adventurous type the man asks what the tasks are.

First, he is told, you have to drink an entire bottle of Tequila.

Second, you have to go to the junkyard down the street and pull the loose tooth from a pitbull there.

Third, you have to go upstairs and have sex with the 84 year old woman who lives in one of the apartments.

This proves to be too much, so the man declines. He orders a drink, and ends up staying for a while. Four or five drinks in, he's starting to feel brave, so he says, "You know what? I'll do it. Bring out the bottle."

He tackles the bottle of tequila with zeal and gusto, which combined with his other drinks leaves him a right hot mess. However, with his eye on the money he stumbles out of the bar to go deal with the dog.

About half an hour later he comes back in. His clothes are torn, he's got blood all over, and just generally looks like a mess.

"Okay," he says, "now where's the old lady whose tooth I have to take out again?"

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