Tuesday, December 30, 2008

BUZZ OFF, 2008

The year is ending tomorrow. My sources tell me this is an important day that I should have been preparing for all year but I totally flaked.

I'm spending the evening at work, then at my house. My chums have all gone gallavanting off to Massachussetts to go to parties and things, though honestly I don't actually mind at all, which is probably even more sad than not having anywhere to go on one of the most social days of the whole year (which, given that it is divided by two years is even more significant!).

My plans so far involve chinese food and TV, perhaps a movie if I muster the desire. It'll be relaxing and fun. As much as I adore symbolism, for whatever reason New Years just doesn't interest me all that much.

This year was okay. I spent most of it giving advice to people. Like a whole lot of advice. Like practically ran an advice column amounts of advice. Apparently I am some sort of hair and love guru who can make guys have hairpiphanies and fix their relationships. The thing is I was right a staggeringly large amount of the time. Real-life people tended not to listen to what I told them which is perfectly natural because who wants to be told what to do, but for the most part things worked out the way I said they would. Which is vindicating but sad too.

As far as internet people (and it may sound lame but I know a goddamn lot of internet people) go, I helped a lot of them. I actually almost did start an advice column because I kept getting good feedback from people I had talked to. It is nice to help people. The irony of course is how nonexistant my own love life was but this isn't that kind of blog.

The only other immediately recallable highlight of my year was going to Greece for a month. I miss it dearly, even more than I did the few years I didn't go. I couldn't live there but I wish I got to visit more often.

See, this is why I hate New Years. Everything is sappy and retrospective and I know from talking like that in my head all the time that it's boring and no one wants to hear it. Also the resolution thing is bollocks.

Is it bad that I think I'm an annoying blogger? This is why I write, I make a total mess of words unless I'm telling some sort of awesome story.

2008, you were a cool dude. Thanks for the good times.

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