Wednesday, December 10, 2008

DZM and Drawing

The response to DZM has been really overwhelming, seriously. I have gotten such great comments, a lot of which should probably not be attributed to me but to the guys who helped me film it. Everything really came together and I think everyone involved did an amazing job especially given how quickly and crazily we had to pull this together. I have been wanting to make this movie for four years, and I could not be happier with it.

I keep getting asked this: Yes, I have a sequel planned out. Everyone's shown interest in continuing this, so it may very well materialize in the future.

Also, I will probably next to never post drawings here. Writing is something I consider myself to be good at, something I hope to be paid for some day, I don't mind posting it. Drawings, however, I do for fun and have no intention of ever trying to do anything with them. I do have a site where I post all my art, sufficient coaxing or baked goods will get you the address but it's nothing to write home about.

Anway, this is to say I am hesitant to post a drawing but I decided to draw the characters from the story a couple posts down, Dissolution. I will spare you the expository paragraph I usually accompany my art with, and just say that I worked on this pretty much continually from 11PM to about 3AM, it was a lot of fun, and the characters look pretty much nothing like what I thought they would but I am quite happy with it.

EDIT: So I can't post it here, the size doesn't fit with the layout, here's a link!


MeggyB said...

ah! DZM was awesome!!! :3 i look foward to the sequel.

And i'm totally jealous of your leet ,not l337 since this is a serious writing blog where english isn't bastardized ever, art skills. Yes. that's definitely a sentence...

PHIL! said...

Thank you, both for the kind words and for virtuously defending the integrity of my blog!