Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dangerzone Maverick, or DESTINY FULFILLED

Several years ago, I got a call from the President, on my personal line.

"Well well," I said as I put the phone to my ear, "looks like someone's calling in their favor."
"Listen," he said, his voice with the slightest shiver. "You know as well as I do that I wouldn't be calling you if it wasn't serious. You're the best in the goddamn business and as much as I hate to admit I need you..."
"Let's dispense the flattery, Mr. President. You want something."
"It's...it's the film industry, Phil. It's just - it's just not right. Things are going downhill, and if someone doesn't do something to stop it...well, let's just say Gigli is gonna be the high point."
"My God," I said, taking off my glasses in a single smooth yet dramatic movement, "what can I do?"

I could hear him sighing on the other end of the line. The President doesn't like me. My methods are too high-octane, too extreme. I do what needs to be done and I don't let anything or anyone get in my way. But I've saved his skin one too many times, and he can't afford to let anyone else do this.

"You must create a film, beyond any that has been created before. It must be so transcendantly explosive, so gut-wrenchingly action packed, that no viewer will be able to resist, that all of America will band together under, to hail, to love. Phil, I need you to create the ultimate movie."
"The ultimate movie...you really have some balls, Mr. President, to call me like this and ask me."
"I have no one else to turn to. You're the only one who can get this done. I know what happened back in Morocco changed you, but you need to do this. For America. For film."
"...Yeah. I suppose I do."

That was the night everything changed. For years now, I've been planning. Plotting. And in one week, it all goes down. I've only got one shot, and if I miss this, the whole country's gonna go up in flames.

This trailer is a taste. And you better savor it. Because this is one bread crumb of the immaculate cake that is Dangerzone Maverick. You better wear three pairs of underwear because you WILL soil them.

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