Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's Kind of Funny (In a Horrible Way)

It is 4:30, and I have spent the past several hours drawing cave walls. Between that and the huge drawing I'm doing it seems I am attatched to my tablet whenever I am not at work or hanging out with my chumpals that are back from college whom I have not seen in far, far too long.

Something about having an artistic purpose, a singular goal besides all the sensible real things I am supposed to do is so incredibly life-affirming. I'm being unbearably pretentious right now, but the high of creation, of investing myself in something I actually give a crap about is...I don't want to say all that's keeping me going because that is leagues too dramatic and plain not true, but being back here is severely taxing, and this is a release I don't really get anywhere else.

Man, how is it so impossible to talk about enjoying art without sounding like a total jackass? There should be a word for that.

But goddamn. It's almost five and all I wanna do is keep making graphics. I'm going to try to force myself to sleep so I can wake up and do this more.

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