Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Oh Crap I Have a Blog, Don't I

Hey cool, I've got a blog! Now I can post all the weird shit I think about and want to share but know no one really wants to hear!

But wait, Phil! You haven't written anything. This thing just sits here like a bag of craisins that came with way too many craisins.

That's true, Phil. I really haven't. Making a personal blog always seems like such a good idea but then I'm so lazy. Besides who really wants to read about my ridiculous thoughts anyway?

This is sure a conundrum. Hey, what if you posted all that story crap you write?

What? That's a stupid idea. If no one wants to read what I think why in god's name would they want to a bunch of long, lame-ass stories?

Yeah, good point.

What? Screw you, my stories rock, I'm gonna post the HELL out of them.

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