Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tick Tock Pick Spock

I have many (many) neuroses, which I do not go into here because I wouldn't be able to do it without feeling like a total jackass (although I will gladly discuss them at length in person!) and I can never tell which ones will come off as interesting foibles and which ones will just make me look lame.

In any case, one of the things I'm kind of known for is being terrible at sleeping. I just never really got the hang of the whole thing. When I was in daycare I used to not take my naps, I would run around trying to get the kids to play because I didn't see any reason to sleep in the middle of the goddamn day.

The strange thing is, I know kids who do all-nighters and stuff, but I would never dream of just not going to bed. I need at least a few hours to function. Where I'm weird is that I pretty much don't sleep more than 6-7 hours on a normal night, and probably 8 if I have nowhere to be. It is very rare I sleep past 12, and then only if I've been up past 4. Usually I'm awake by 10 or 11. Yeah, I have this whole complex math about how much I'll sleep any given night.

Okay, so right now, on an average night I go to bed between 3-5:30 depending on whether I have class at 12 or 2. I have a compulsion to stay up late, which I could go into but I haven't gotten to the point yet and I'm four paragraphs in, so let's do this.

Saturday, Sunday and Monday I went to bed at 1:30 or 2. Not something that happens often. I woke up each morning feeling rested and ready.

Then I spent the rest of the day feeling like shit and just thinking about getting more sleep. It was like trying a drug and getting addicted, all I was concerned with was when I would sleep more. Moreover, I was in a terrible mood and just overall felt bad. Total bummer.

The turning point was yesterday when I went to Quiznos and had a delicious sandwich, and had some nice banter with the employees. I can't count the number of times nice cashiers or foodmakers have made my day better. Weird how that works.

So last night, I went to bed at 4ish. Woke up at 10:30. Felt great all day. Went to the library with Megan and did real schoolwork for the first time in god knows how long (I actually know the basis of an essay I'm gonna write before I've written it. Unheard of!), then we travelled to South where we hung out with some saucesome people I've been meaning to hang out with all semester but never did. It was as much fun as I expected (lots), A++ would hang with again.

Then I had a nice, slow walk to my car. I regard the UCONN campus as a material thing, an inconvenient physical construct keeping me from where I live at to where I learn at. However, I think the campus is fucking gorgeous at night. Whenever I'm there at night I just love it. The lights make everything look nice, it's quiet, there's few to no people around. Throw in some bookend music and you have a pretty perfect moment. If I lived on campus I'd be walking around at night all the time.

On the walk, I composed this blog entry, because I was thinking about how nice it was and how much better than the past couple of days this one was. Admiring the scenery, savoring the cold, rocking out to some mopey walking music, it came out a lot nicer in my head. An hour later it's large and unwieldy, which is why I don't tend to blog all the stuff I think about blogging.

I guess my point is that Skittles are always going to be disappointing to me because there's no chocolate inside them.

1 comment:

johndiener said...

A++, would invite over again.

p.s. i had a text-to-speech read this blog so that John could hear it too.